HOA Meeting Agenda for Wed., Sept 13th, 2023

HOA MEETING AGENDA: Wed., Sept. 13, 2023
Fruitville Public Library | 6:00 p.m.

    1. Call to order/quorum
    2. Approval of Minutes of June 14, 2023, Meeting
    3. Financial Report
    4. Wall Painting Repair
    5. No Trespassing Signs (to be discussed)
    6. Front Deck on Lot 51 (to be discussed)
    7. Update on Entry Island Renewal (report)
    8. Planning for Annual Meeting
    9. Other business, if any.
    10. Adjournment (Next Meeting: Annual Meeting, Dec. 5, 2023)

Minutes for June 14th, 2023 HOA Meeting

6:00 pm: Joe Stewart opened the meeting. Mary Lynn Endter, Vivia Martin, Nick Stine, Craig Rapihana, and by phone Nancy Woodrow, were present, representing a quorum. In addition, Diane Treharne and LaNae Duchesneau attended.

Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the Board Meeting held on March 3, 2023, were unanimously approved.

Entry way update: The irrigation is complete. We have a budget of $3,500 available for plants/shrubs. Craig has a contractor who will do the work within budget.

Insurance rate: Our liability insurance premium has gone up by about $400 over the budgeted amount. The board agreed that this could be paid from the balance of $2,000 left in the MRTA account.

No trespassing signs: Non-residents have been fishing in our ponds. No trespassing signs should help to keep them out. Diane agreed to contact King Signs to see if they still have the signs once made for us. If so, they will be posted. This will give the homeowners authority to oust any trespassers although we do not encourage confrontations. The ponds are meant for the use of homeowners, guests and tenants.

Storm Water Management System: The inspection is due by the end of August. The Board agreed to use the same contractor and to pay the bill of $275.00.

Raymond Road Development: A complex of 320 homes has been proposed for Raymond Rd south of Palmer. This project is still in the planning stages. If and when construction begins, our homeowners should be aware of the potential for vermin to be dislocated and coming our way.

Other business: Craig proposed that the board use an instant phone text messaging system to alert homeowners of potential issues/problems as they arise. Craig and Joe will manage this.

Nancy brought it to our attention that some boys may have been baiting alligators in the ponds. This is definitely illegal and will be reported to the proper authorities. Nancy is also aware that some one may be dumping yard and other waste in the ponds. This is prohibited.

Homeowners should know that they are to keep the lamp posts in their front yards lit, that mailboxes should be in good repair, and yard maintenance kept up.

Meeting adjourned 7:00: (Next Meetings is scheduled for Wed., Sept. 13, the Annual Membership Meeting for Tiues. December 5.


Sarasota County Planning and Development Services wants you to know that a property owner you has applied for Special Exception Petition No. 1866 to allow an Elementary, Middle, or High School in the OUR (Open Use Rural, 1 unit/10 acres) Zone District to create a PRIVATE SCHOOL that will include Outdoor Areas and MODULAR CLASSROOMS. The students will range from Pre-Kindergarten to Eighth Grade with a maximum of 150 Students.

The Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing beginning ay 5:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, on July 20, 2023, at the County Administration Center, Commission Chamber, 1600 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, Florida.

You are invited to appear, be heard, and submit relevant evidence. Copies of the petition and supporting documents are available durning normal business hours in the Planning and Development Services Department at 1600 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, Florida. Copies of the petition and supporting documents will be available to view or download at www.scgov.net, (Keyword: “Planning Commission”) the FRIDAY PRIOR to the PUBLIC HEARING.

You are invited to comment on the request by attending the public hearing or submitting your written comments to:

Planning and Development Services Department, 1600 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34236
planner@scgov.net – 941-861-5000, TTY -1-1 or 1-800-955-8771

HOA Meeting Agenda for Wed., June 14th, 2023

HOA MEETING AGENDA: Wed., June 14, 2023
Fruitville Public Library | 6:00 p.m.

      1. Call to order/quorum
      2. Approval of minutes of March 8, 2023, meeting.
      3. Final stages of entry improvement project.
          • Irrigation System Installation Completed (report).
          • Planting Next (budget and execution to be discussed).
      4. Insurance Rate Increase (report).
      5. Storm Water Management System Inspection due. (Proposal Submited)
      6. No Trespassing signs needed (to be discussed).
      7. Raymond Rd Development Project (early overview).
      8. Other business, if any (open discussion).
      9. Adjournment (Next Meeting Date: Wed., Sept. 13, Annual Meeting to follow)

HOA Meeting Agenda for Wed., March 8th, 2023

HOA MEETING AGENDA: Wed., March 8, 2023
Fruitville Public Library | 6:00 p.m.

    1. Call to order/quorum
    2. Approval of minutes of September 14, 2022, Meeting
    3. Treasurer’s Financial Report
    4. President’s Report On:
    5.     • Perimeter Painting
          • Entry Lighting
          • Irrigation
          • Planting

    6. Contract with Attorney Scott Peterson for Documents Revision
    7. Other business, if any
    8. Adjournment [Next Meeting Dates: June 14, Sept. 13, Annual Meeting, Dec. 5, 2023

Reasons for the 2023 Increase in HOA Dues

As of 2022, our community of 65 homes has been in existence for about 23 years. Past all-volunteer boards have done well in maintaining the community and keeping the HOA dues at a reasonable rate, but at the 20-year mark, irrigation, lighting, and landscaping need updating.

After carefully considering current, ongoing, and future community needs, the board has decided to increase HOA dues to $765.00 per year for 2023. If you choose to pay by credit card there is an additional merchants services charge of $26 for a total of $791 due on or before January 31st.

  • Wall Maintenance – recurring expense. This item is budgeted on a 5-year cycle and is fully funded. The wall is to be repaired and painted in 2023.
  • Well pump for the irrigation system – recurring expense. This item is budgeted on a 5-year cycle and is fully funded.
  • Rewriting HOA documents (Marketable Record Title Act) – This legally required rewrite of the HOA documents every 30 years is beginning in 2023 and not fully funded. It is budgeted to be funded to $7K over the next two years. The earlier they are completed, the less legal costs to the HOA.
  • Entry lighting upgrade – one-time expense. This project is currently unfunded.
  • Completion of the exit side irrigation system move to the curbing – one-time expense. This project is currently unfunded.
  • Replanting the hedge along the community exit – one-time expense. This project is currently unfunded.
  • Replanting the center island at the entry – one-time expense. This project is currently unfunded.
  • Landscape maintenance – recurring expense. The base cost of this service is estimated to be between $1800 and $2500/month.
  • Miscellaneous landscaping work – a one-time expense of up to $6000, is currently unfunded.

The HOA budget is evaluated annually. Should the board discover that dues need to be adjusted upward or downward that decision will be made at the annual budget meeting held every October.

Using a volunteer board to manage our community has allowed the HOA to hold the annual dues to a reasonable amount. Hiring a management company to handle the affairs of the HOA would result in a considerable increase.

Seasons Greetings To All

The Meadow Walk HOA’s annual meeting was held on November 30th. Forty-six homeowners appeared in person or by proxy. Frank covered the budget and explained each budget item. The board then voted unanimously to approve the budget as presented. As a consequence of the budget, the annual member dues were increased to $765.00. The invoices for the dues have been sent out. If you have not gotten yours, please contact Frank or Nancy. Their contact information is below and is also on the web page.

One of the major costs to the budget is landscaping. Frank and the board looked at 3 bids and selected the one that will hopefully provide the best service. Another major cost is electrical. Again, Frank and the board chose a contractor from three bids. Soon, the entry to Meadow Walk will be lit and visible as you approach it.

Another major cost, but not a budget item, is the repair and painting of the perimeter wall. Frank received more than 3 bids for this project. The money for the wall is already in the bank in a reserve account. While it is not a budget item for 2023, this reserve account will need to be replenished over the next several years.

Homeowners adjacent to the ponds were advised to keep about a 4 foot buffer of uncut grass along the perimeter of the ponds. This will help to keep run-off from our lawns causing algae or the growth of invasive plants.

Held over for next year is the proposal for a gardening committee to keep the entry way decorated with seasonal plantings and the like. Also proposed were written notices to homeowners who are not keeping their properties in a condition consistent with specific provisions in the governing documents. Credit for the Notice of Violation form goes to David Johnson, the former secretary. The current secretary simply fine tuned it.

Lastly, Craig Rapihana was appointed to the board by unanimous appproval. At the board meeting immediately following the general meeting, the current officers were re-elected:

Frank DeSteno | President frankmwhoa@yahoo.com
Joe Stewart | Vice President joestewart@mac.com
Nancy Woodrow | Treasurer toothfairy713@yahoo.com
Mary Lynn Endter | Secretary mlendter@gmail.com
Vivia Martin | Director vivnsrq@verizon.net
Nick Stine | Director nstiney@gmail.com
Craig Raphihana | Director bwrapihana@gmail.com

HOA Annual Meeting Agenda for Nov. 30, 2022

Fruitville Public Library | 6:00 p.m.

    1. Call to order and establish a quorum
    2. Minutes from 2021 Meeting
    3. 2023 Budget (Board Vote)
    4.     Increase in dues (Payment Due no later than January 31, 2023)
          Funding of Entrance to Meadow Walk
          Curb Power Washing

    5. Notice of Use/Modification Violations
    6. Nominations to Board of Directors
    7. Gardening Committee
    8. New Business: Landscaping, Electrical, and Perimeter Wall Painting
    9. Old Business: Cross Creek Buffer Zone
    10. Homeowner’s Lein
    11. Homeowner Comments
    12. 2023 Meeting Dates: March 3, June 14, and Sept 13 (6 p.m. Library)
    13. Adjournment


November 30, 2022 (Immediately following the Adjournment of the Annual Meeting)

    1. Call to order and establish a quorum
    2. Election fo Officers
    3. Other Business
    4. Adjournment

One Park for All in Sarasota

Do Not Feed Alligators
Community Notes

2024 HOA Meeting Dates

Wed., Mar. 27, 2024,
Wed., June 12, 2024
Wed., Sept. 10, 2024
Tues., Dec. 3, 2024 (Annual)

All meetings begin at 6 pm at the Fruitville Library

Please Do Not Feed Wildlife

It has been brought to our attention that some Meadow Walk residents have been observed feeding wildlife. Here, in Florida, it is illegal to feed Manatees, Sand Hill Cranes, Raccoons, Foxes and Alligators.     

Pick Up After Your Dog

Remember, dogs must be kept on leashes at all times. Please abide by this rule for the safety of your dog, your neighbors, and your neighbor’s dogs. Even a friendly dog could endanger a child on a bike or scooter, and don’t forget to pick up after your dog.


Any vehicles with commercial advertising must be stored in the garage for overnight parking. Ladders must be removed from work vehicles for overnight parking.

Our subdivision is scheduled for trash and recycling pick-up on Tuesdays. According to Waste Management and Sarasota County, no trash is to be placed curbside until 4:00 pm the day before pick-up.

Please check your post lights.

Painting Your Home?

If you are considering painting the exterior of your house any color other that the original, you must first receive approval from the Modification Committee. If you are interested in looking at the approved Meadow Walk colors please contact the Board of Directors, the Modification Committee, or see the Construction Guidelines for specific details.

Parking / Mailboxes

Please remember, there is no parking allowed on the grass anywhere in the Meadow Walk Subdivision. Although you are legally allowed to park vehicles at curbside we urge you to try and avoid parking overnight on the street for safety reasons. Please refer to the Meadow Walk By-Laws for specific details.

We’ve received a friendly request from our mail carrier asking that residents not block the mailboxes. This includes parking in front of or too close to the box.