Dear Meadow Walk Neighbors:

The HOA board met as scheduled on June 12 and we thought you would like to be kept up to date on our discussions. Not making promises, but I will try to let you know what happens at our meetings, before the minutes are posted.

Our streets have been on the County’s agenda for repaving since before COVID. We have not been able to get some confirmation as to when this project will take place. If you would like to call the County and remind them that we would like to get closer to the top of the list, we may get some results. The number is 941-861-0967. Just leave a simple message.

We have a no solicitation sign at the entrance to MW. As many you have experienced, this has not been very effective in keeping such traffic out of our neighborhood. Your suggestions as to how we could be more effective, please send them along.

The project to develop homes on Raymond Road has not yet been given County approval. However, if it comes to the point where we want to fight this project, we will need ammunition such as experts. Keep this in mind if you know or have access to experts or have specialized knowledge.

If you are one of the original homeowners and if you have knowledge as to how our governing documents were filed at the inception of the MWHOA, can you let me know?

Please feel free to contact me at my personal email with any questions or concerns:

Stay dry.

Thank you,
Mary Lynn
Secretary, Meadow Walk HOA

HOA Meeting Agenda for Wed., June 12th, 2024

HOA MEETING AGENDA: Wed., June 11, 2024
Fruitville Public Library | 6:00 p.m.

    1. Call to Order/Quorum
    2. Approval of Minutes of March 27, 2024, Meeting
    3. Financial Report
    4. Prohibited use of Homes as Short Term Rentals
    5. Updating Governing Documents (to be discussed)
    6. Adjournment (Next Meeting: Annual Meeting, Sept. 10, 2024)

Rescheduled June 4 Meeting to be held Wed., June 12

As you have realized by now, the HOA Board did not meet on Tuesday, June 4, as scheduled. The meeting has been postponed to this Wednesday, June 12, at 6:00 pm at the Fruitville Library.

The primary topic of discussion will be the use of our residences for short term rental purposes. Our Governing Documents do not permit short term rentals but we have learned that we may have a violator.

Our attorney has given us a draft of the rewritten governing documents. I will give an update on them.

Please contact our HOA president Nick if you have issues you would like to see put on the agenda:

Assuming all goes according to plan, the next board meeting will be on September 10, at the Library at 6 pm. The annual meeting will be on December 3, 2024. Please mark your calendars for this very important meeting. We will need volunteers to join the board as the terms of 3 current directors are set to expire and we will need a quorum to vote on putting new members on the board. And optimistically, we may be ready to vote on the approval of the new docs.

Meadow Walk HOA Meeting Scheduled for Tues., June 4th

NOTE: the HOA Board Meeting will be held at the Fruitville Library on Tues., June 4, at 6:00 pm

The agenda has not been finalized but will be posted on this website as soon as it is. As with last month, we do not have pressing issues. But we do have two new homeowners: the Millers in Penny’s house, and Charles in the rental house where Veronica lived, both on Meadow Breeze. I will also be giving an update on the status of the rewrite of the docs. Please contact Nick if you have issues you would like to see put on the agenda:

The next board meeting will be on September 10, at the Library at 6 pm. The annual meeting will be on December 3, 2024. Please mark your calendars for this very important meeting. We will need volunteers to join the board as the terms of 3 current directors are set to expire and we will need a quorum to vote on putting new members on the board. And optimistically, we may be ready to vote on the approval of the new docs.

Please feel free to contact me at my personal email with any questions or concerns:

Thank you,
Mary Lynn
Secretary, Meadow Walk HOA

Community Garage Sale: Saturday, April 27th

The Annual Community-Wide Garage Sale will be on Saturday, April 27, 2024, from 8 a.m. till Noon. We’re going to take advantage of the extra visibility by running our Garage Sale for the entire community on the same day just as we have in the past. Take advantage on this opportunity to clear some space and remember… one man’s trash is another man’s treasure!

We’ll be advertising this event, and posting signs so start gathering your ‘stuff.’

HOA Meeting Agenda for Wed., March 27th, 2024

HOA MEETING AGENDA: Wed., March 27, 2024
Fruitville Public Library | 6:00 p.m.

    1. Call to order/quorum
    2. Approval of Minutes of September 13, 2023, Meeting
    3. Financial Report
    4. Irrigation Repairs
    5. Fence on Lot 38 (as it applies to new owners)
    6. Improvement/Modification Committee
    7. Adjournment (Next Meeting: June 4, 2024)

Dear Meadow Walk Neighbors:

Please note that the HOA board will be meeting at the Fruitville Library on Wednesday, March 27, at 6:00 pm.

This will be the first meeting with Nick Stine at the helm. He was elected president at the December 2023 meeting and will serve for 2 years, more if willing.

The agenda has not been finalized but will posted on this website as soon as it is. Right now we do not have anything particularly pressing. However, please contact Nick if you have issues you would like to see put on the agenda:

Future board meetings will be on June 4 and September 10, both at the Library at 6 pm. The annual meeting will be on December 3, 2024. Please mark your calendars for this very important meeting. We will need volunteers to join the board as the terms of 3 current directors are set to expire.

    Thank you,
    Mary Lynn, Secretary

An Open Letter from HOA Secretary Mary Lynn Endter

Greetings and Happy New Year,

Here is a recap of the events of the calendar year just ended, with a look forward to the new year.

At the annual meeting on December 5, Frank DeSteno announced that he was ending his tenure as board President. Here is a list of some of the things Frank did over the past two years:

First, under his leadership, the entry way remediation project was completed and paid for. This was a big job, including removing the palms, leveling the surface, repairing the irrigation and electrical systems, planting three new palms, and then doing the final plantings. Frank was able to find affordable contractors. With Craig Rapihana’s help, the fill-in plantings on the island were done within the remainder of the budget.

Second, Frank hired a contractor to paint the perimeter wall, which involved spray washing, repairing cracks, sealing, priming, and adding two final coats of paint. The final touch came when Thomas Ruthz volunteered his time to paint the lettering and the butterflies. Overall, comments have been complimentary. This project has nearly depleted the wall painting reserve account, so that the account will need to be replenished before the wall needs to be painted again.

Third, Frank hired a new landscaping business, with the help of Nick Stine. Our former landscaper did not always complete the work or did the work poorly. So far, Peacock Landscaping is doing a good job and we have renewed their contract for 2024.

Fourth, Frank had the storm water retention system inspected, approved and permitted, so that no further action will be needed on this until 2028.

Fifth, Frank approved the placement of two new “No Trespassing” signs in response to homeowner complaints that strangers were coming onto their properties to fish in our ponds.

Finally, and probably most importantly, Frank accomplished everything on budget, even as the cost of most things went up. While we did have an increase in dues last year to pay for everything, our dues this year went down, as Frank had predicted.

As Joe Stewart said at the annual meeting, we all owe a debt of gratitude to Frank for his two years of service. He stepped in after the untimely and unexpected death of Gary Walsh and accomplished a lot. We will miss him and his leadership. Thank you, Frank.

At the board meeting following the annual meeting, Nick Stine was elected to replace Frank. The board has pledged to give Nick their full support. Under his leadership, we hope to be more proactive in keeping our neighborhood looking attractive and appealing. The first meeting of the new board is currently scheduled for March 27th.

The rest of the board is comprised of Joe Stewart, vice president, Nancy Woodrow, treasurer, Mary Lynn Endter, secretary, with Vivia Martin and Craig Rapihana as directors. Nancy, Vivia and Craig’s terms will end in December 2024. Please keep that in mind if you have an interest in serving on the board in 2025.

As for me, I will be working earnestly on rewriting our governing documents, with the help of Nancy and Gina Palanzi. My goal is to have them ready for homeowners approval at the annual meeting in December 2024. I have agreed to be on the board for two more years. If anyone would like to take over as secretary after that, just let me know.

Please feel free to contact me at my personal email with any questions or concerns:

Thank you, and again Happy New Year.
Mary Lynn
January 08, 2023

P.S. Don’t forget to pay your dues no later than January 31st.

HOA Annual Meeting Scheduled for 6 p.m. Tues. Dec. 5

The Annual Meeting of the Membership of Meadow Walk HOA to be held at the Fruitville Public Library on Tues., Dec. 5th at 6 p.m., your presence and participation at this Meeting is essential. If you cannot be present at the meeting please prepare a Proxy. Proxy forms were handed out along with this notice to each homeowner. Once your Proxy is prepared, please drop it off at 1025 Meadow Breeze Ln or have someone bring it to the meeting.

We cannot vote on matters if we don’t have a quorum of members, either by your presence or your proxy. The agenda will be finalized and posted on this website before the meeting. The Agenda will include the budget for 2024; a decrease in annual dues and any other matters that may arise.

Board Members are Volunteers. Right now we have 7 Board Members. If you have an interest in sitting on the Board, please speak up at the meeting. The goal is to have enough Board Members so that we always have a Quorum at the three regularly scheduled meetings durning the year and the Annual Meeting at the end of the tear. The current Board consist of Frank DeSteno, President:; Joe Stewart, Vice President; Nancy Woodrow, Treasurer; Mary Lynn Endter, Secretary; Vivia Martin, Nick Stine, and Craig Raphihana Directors at Large.

HOA Budget Meeting Scheduled for 6 p.m. Tues. Nov. 14

As many of you have noticed, the Meadow Walk HOA Board will be holding a meeting at the Fruitville Library on November 14, 2023, at 6:00 pm. The purpose of this meeting is to set the budget for the calendar year 2024. You are invited to attend. You can have input by attending the meeting, or by emailing any of the board members, whose email addresses are available here on this website.

Most importantly, please mark your calendars that the annual general meeting of the HOA will be on December 5th, also at the Fruitville Library, starting at 6 pm. This year the meeting will be open primarily for your comments and suggestions. So please come prepared.

One Park for All in Sarasota

Do Not Feed Alligators
Community Notes

2024 HOA Meeting Dates

Wed., Mar. 27, 2024,
Wed., June 12, 2024
Wed., Sept. 10, 2024
Tues., Dec. 3, 2024 (Annual)

All meetings begin at 6 pm at the Fruitville Library

Please Do Not Feed Wildlife

It has been brought to our attention that some Meadow Walk residents have been observed feeding wildlife. Here, in Florida, it is illegal to feed Manatees, Sand Hill Cranes, Raccoons, Foxes and Alligators.     

Pick Up After Your Dog

Remember, dogs must be kept on leashes at all times. Please abide by this rule for the safety of your dog, your neighbors, and your neighbor’s dogs. Even a friendly dog could endanger a child on a bike or scooter, and don’t forget to pick up after your dog.


Any vehicles with commercial advertising must be stored in the garage for overnight parking. Ladders must be removed from work vehicles for overnight parking.

Our subdivision is scheduled for trash and recycling pick-up on Tuesdays. According to Waste Management and Sarasota County, no trash is to be placed curbside until 4:00 pm the day before pick-up.

Please check your post lights.

Painting Your Home?

If you are considering painting the exterior of your house any color other that the original, you must first receive approval from the Modification Committee. If you are interested in looking at the approved Meadow Walk colors please contact the Board of Directors, the Modification Committee, or see the Construction Guidelines for specific details.

Parking / Mailboxes

Please remember, there is no parking allowed on the grass anywhere in the Meadow Walk Subdivision. Although you are legally allowed to park vehicles at curbside we urge you to try and avoid parking overnight on the street for safety reasons. Please refer to the Meadow Walk By-Laws for specific details.

We’ve received a friendly request from our mail carrier asking that residents not block the mailboxes. This includes parking in front of or too close to the box.