As you have realized by now, the HOA Board did not meet on Tuesday, June 4, as scheduled. The meeting has been postponed to this Wednesday, June 12, at 6:00 pm at the Fruitville Library.

The primary topic of discussion will be the use of our residences for short term rental purposes. Our Governing Documents do not permit short term rentals but we have learned that we may have a violator.

Our attorney has given us a draft of the rewritten governing documents. I will give an update on them.

Please contact our HOA president Nick if you have issues you would like to see put on the agenda:

Assuming all goes according to plan, the next board meeting will be on September 10, at the Library at 6 pm. The annual meeting will be on December 3, 2024. Please mark your calendars for this very important meeting. We will need volunteers to join the board as the terms of 3 current directors are set to expire and we will need a quorum to vote on putting new members on the board. And optimistically, we may be ready to vote on the approval of the new docs.