The Meadow Walk HOA’s annual meeting was held on November 30th. Forty-six homeowners appeared in person or by proxy. Frank covered the budget and explained each budget item. The board then voted unanimously to approve the budget as presented. As a consequence of the budget, the annual member dues were increased to $765.00. The invoices for the dues have been sent out. If you have not gotten yours, please contact Frank or Nancy. Their contact information is below and is also on the web page.

One of the major costs to the budget is landscaping. Frank and the board looked at 3 bids and selected the one that will hopefully provide the best service. Another major cost is electrical. Again, Frank and the board chose a contractor from three bids. Soon, the entry to Meadow Walk will be lit and visible as you approach it.

Another major cost, but not a budget item, is the repair and painting of the perimeter wall. Frank received more than 3 bids for this project. The money for the wall is already in the bank in a reserve account. While it is not a budget item for 2023, this reserve account will need to be replenished over the next several years.

Homeowners adjacent to the ponds were advised to keep about a 4 foot buffer of uncut grass along the perimeter of the ponds. This will help to keep run-off from our lawns causing algae or the growth of invasive plants.

Held over for next year is the proposal for a gardening committee to keep the entry way decorated with seasonal plantings and the like. Also proposed were written notices to homeowners who are not keeping their properties in a condition consistent with specific provisions in the governing documents. Credit for the Notice of Violation form goes to David Johnson, the former secretary. The current secretary simply fine tuned it.

Lastly, Craig Rapihana was appointed to the board by unanimous appproval. At the board meeting immediately following the general meeting, the current officers were re-elected:

Frank DeSteno | President
Joe Stewart | Vice President
Nancy Woodrow | Treasurer
Mary Lynn Endter | Secretary
Vivia Martin | Director
Nick Stine | Director
Craig Raphihana | Director