Posted: February 21th, 2008 – The first Home Owners Association Meeting of 2008 is scheduled for Thursday Feb. 28th, from 6:30 PM to 7:45 PM Fruitville Public Library. All residents are urged to attend as there’s much to discuss. This will be the first meeting to be chaired by Meadow Walk’s new HOA President Gary Walsh.

AGENDA FOR HOA Meeting 2/28/2008

Read minutes of last meeting
Acknowledge correspondence and read into minutes if necessary.
Treasures report:
A. Status of payments for 2008.
B. Bank balance.
Small claims court for collection of three properties that have been liened by HOA.
Modification committee:
Old Business:
A. Wall on palmer
B. Status on lakes and littoral shelf.
6. New business:
A. New plantings at front entrance
B. Excessive noise from engines on both cars and motorcycles late at night.
C. Notify home owners of violations concerning commercial vehicles and storage sheds in side yards.
7. Need additional board members.

Adjourn by 8:30 pm