Minutes: 03/28/2012

March 28, 2012, 6:30 PM at the Fruitville Branch of the Sarasota Public Library

Directors Present: Gary Walsh, La Nae Duchesneau, David Bennett, Betsy Dane, Tomas Jasek: Absent: Betsy Dane. Meeting called to order at 6:35 p.m.

Opening Statements-
Gary opened meeting by stating that the minutes from all previous meetongs are available for online viewing on the Meadow Walk website

Treasurers Report: Bank balance was $39,000 on 3/28/2012. We handed out Financial Informationand went over Foreclosures and Outstanding Balences. Lot 57 was c Closing all monies were to be paid by the Bank ($2400). Discussed other Homeowners owing monies for fee's and legal cost.

New Business:
It wasAdvised Well had been damaged by one of our youthful residents and he is going to reimburse the HOA for the monies spent to repair pipes he broke.

Dave Bennett talked about adding a 24" srip of concrete to each side of his driveway. He added discussed a 6' PVC Fence on the side of his house. This matter will be taken up by the Modification Committee.

Modification Committee-
Vivia Martin, Janet Daley, and Joe Stewart are the three members of the Committee. Betsy Dane is the Board Liaison to the Committee.

Front Entrance-
We are looking into changing lightsin front of the entrance bushes to LED lights and will have quotes and plans for next meeting. The Board would like to thank John Finley for replacing street light at Island's entrance..

Open fourm-
Gary discussed the ongoing problem with someone in the development damaging mailboxes by putting thinks in them like daed fish, human waste etc. There have also been incidents of air being let out of tires on cars parked in driveways. Gary expressed his concern about remaining on the Board but after much discussion, and to the relief of those present, he decided that he will remain on the Board as its acting President.

With no further items to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.