Minutes: 06/29/2006

June 29, 2006, 7:00 PM at the Fruitville Library

Directors Present: Joe Stewart, Andrea DelSanto, Betsy Dane, Eddie Martin, Diane Treharne
Joe Stewart called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.

Betsy Dane read the minutes from the March 29th meeting which were unanimously approved.

A discussion was held concerning the Modifications Committee. Sue Ward, David DelSanto and Ben Hilton have volunteered for the committee, which is to be reinstated and a reminder concerning procedures will go out in a newsletter. There was a reminder about the fences that are perpendicular to Palmer Blvd. in that they are not allowed to touch the wall – this will not only hurt the wall, but will invalidate our warranty on the paint.

Several items were discussed:

Street parking is allowed by the county, but ONLY IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC and ONLY IF TRAFFIC IS NOT IMPEDED. NO PARKING is allowed on or in curves.
The homes in Meadow Walk are SINGLE FAMILY ONLY and no renting of units is allowed without prior approval of the Board of Directors. In any case, there is no partial renting of units allowed.
The directory is completed and will be distributed shortly. Thank you Andrea.
Caution is advised due to the possibility of increased traffic with the number of homes for sale in the community.
Hallowe’en: Betsy Dane suggested that due to the number of out-of-community people who came in to Meadow Walk last year, and not as visitors to our residents, that we determine the possibility of hiring a security guard for the entrance this year. She will follow up in terms of legality and cost, and will report back to the Board.
There has been no interruption of insurance for the community. Atlas Insurance is our new carrier, and thanks to Diane Treharne for taking care of this for us.
We will be getting quotes for cleaning up the wetlands/sawgrass preserve.
There are no “in-the-air” fireworks allowed for the Fourth of July.
The Board is working on a form letter to be used for the notification to homeowners of the violation of the rules and regulations of the Community. The use of fines is to be reinstated, with three letters – first and second violations and then a fine letter. Time to rectify violations will be provided in each of the two first letters. The Board feels that this has become necessary due to persistent violations of some of the same items, such as the parking of commercial vehicles, not picking up after dogs, allowing dogs off leashes, numbers of cars in driveways, parking and speed issues, etc. A homeowner was present at the meeting who has spoken with a neighbor constantly about ladders on trucks, etc. to no avail.

It was also mentioned that there are noise restrictions, and that homeowners are reminded that 11:00 PM is the cutoff time for excessive noise in the neighborhood, including the revving of motorcycle and car engines, etc. Despite this late cutoff, the homeowners are reminded to exercise common courtesy – this is a small community and we are trying to keep it family-friendly.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Betsy Dane, Secretary/Treasurer

After some discussion, it was agreed that these issues are on going and by reminding the current residents and informing the newer residents of the rules and regulations we will strive to keep it under control. To accomplish this, Joe is going to send out a letter asking everyone in Meadow Walk to email him so the board can have addresses for further notifications, reminders, newsletters, etc. Communication through email was decidedly the best way to communicate.

Diane Treharne reported that the quote for replanting the littoral shelf is $ 3390.00. Jim Henslick has approached the town for an extension of the planting deadline as to allow one more removal of the Tilapia, prior to planting.

Joe Stewart announced that the Board is looking for nominees for the vacant seats on the Modification Committee. As there were no volunteers, Joe is going to ask the membership via the email system, once in place.

Opened to the floor – concerns about the skateboarding, motorcycle noise, Palm Tree branches on the wall, and ladders on vehicles, were discussed and decided that a reminder via the email system, maybe in the form of a newsletter, would alert the residents to the rules and safety of the Meadow Walk community. Joe mentioned that the Palm branches are due to be trimmed at end of April or May. Ben Hilton suggested that we might take a look at our entrance area and consider some landscaping enhancements. Joe and Diane agreed.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45.

Minutes taken by Diane Treharne and transcribed for submission by Betsy Dane.