Minutes: 09/30/2002

September 30, 2002, 7:00 PM at the Fruitville Library

The meeting was called to order by President, Bill Detra, at 7:00 pm.

Present were Bill Detra, John, Finlay, Ben Hilton, Connie Meadows and Kurt Richter.

In view of the fact that the sign announcing the meeting was not posted in a timely fashion, Bill Detra announced that this would be an informational meeting only, and no business would be conducted. A meeting has been secheduled for October 11 at 7:00 pm at the Fruitville Library for motions to be accepted and votes made on any issues which require them.

Connie Meadows made a financial report, and announced that a budget for 2003 has been prepared which calls for an annual payment of $400 or quarterly payments of $100. This budget will be considered at the next meeting.

The Modification Committee reported that approval was made for a series of homeowners along Niobe for a PVC fence, and this has subsequently been erected. Furthermore, approval was given, due to special circumstances, for the Quinlans to fence in their back yard (also along Niobe). Several applications for seamless gutters were also approved. It was mentioned that letters should be written to these homeowners confirming the approval of these projects. A vote will be taken at the next meeting on the replacements to the Modification Committee for vacancies. Eddie Martin is interested in serving, and those previously indicating an interest will also be considered.

Marisa King reported that she had talked to the people at SWFWMD regarding the Preserve. She displayed a transparency showing the lake, the littoral shelf and the preserve. The lake is between Meadow Breeze and Deer Crossing and continues along Meadow Breeze to the end of the Detra's lot. Thereafter is the littoral shelf which continues around the end of the cul-de-sac up to the rear of the former model homes on Meadow Breeze. The preserve is behind the first two houses in Meadow Breeze on the West, and along the South side of the West end of Deer Crossing. The aquatic vegetation in the littoral shelf and the preserve are of primary interest to SWFWMD, as the plants provide a filter for run-off from the streets and houses before the water runs into the aquifer. At present, the Preserve is in complete compliance. A few soda apple plants were removed by Creative Wetlands, and the cat-tails were killed. All other plants are considered desirable.

The beautification committee was complimented on its work. It was noted that the hibiscus on the bull-nose needs to be trimmed so as not to block visibility for cars exiting the community.

Irrigation is in order, and a new rain sensor has been installed. It was noted that residents should replace bulbs in their post lanterns which are required by the Declarations.

There was nothing to report on mowing.

Children from outside Meadow Walk are crossing over along the South side of our property. No-trespassing signs are considered important. Also, the need for a sign at the entrance reading, Deed Restricted Community; No Solicitation' should also be acquired.

Marisa King reported that she and Tonia Bichler are interested in organizing another Fall Cook-out, similar to the one held last year. Kim Grissom would also help. The board encouraged this activity.

Brian King has agreed to head the Nominating Committee to nominate candidates for the two board members whose terms are expiring in December. Completion of the committee will take place at the October 11 meeting.

Marisa King indicated a willingness to work on a newsletter for the community. The Board encouraged her to proceed.

Carl and Karen Peterson explained that fireworks have been launched several times from the North end of the lake. Due to the wind patterns, the debris has veered off onto their property, one time damaging an automobile and another time landing on their pool cage. At the request of the Board, they will research relevant Florida and County Statutes regarding fireworks.

Marisa King reported on the problem of snakes coming onto her property from the ditch along Raymond Road when it is not mowed. It was explained that this is not a common area, and the board cannot make any expenditure to have it mown. She also reported that there is a clump of four oak trees behind her house which were planted by the developer; two behind a hedge, and two outside the hedge. The two outside the hedge impede access for the county mowers and need to be moved. John Finlay stated that a neighborhood crew could move them to another location in the community.

Becky Swan made a presentation on the recent hearing about proposed development of the Celery Fields for light recreation. Her impression is that most people present at the meeting want it to remain as is. Also it was noted that the tenants in the rental house next to her are parking commercial vehicles in their driveway. Connie delivered a copy of the Declarations to the tenants and mailed a copy to the homeowners in Oklahoma.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.


Constance Meadows, Secretary