Minutes: 06/09/2001

June 9, 2001 , 6:30 PM at 7322 Deer Crossing Court, Sarasota, FL 34240

The meeting of the newly elected Board of Directors of the Meadow Walk Homeowners Association was called to order at 6:30 pm by Cliff Cross.

He called for nominations for the following officers: President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer. Connie Meadows nominated Cliff Cross as President. He was unanimously elected as President. Cliff Cross nominated Connie Meadows as Secretary/Treasurer. She was unanimously elected. Cliff Cross nominated Bill Detra as Vice-President. He was unanimously elected.

Cliff Cross read a list of items which need to be taken care of by the newly elected board as soon as possible:

1. Obtain insurance coverage for liability for the Homeowners Association and Directors and Officers Liability for the Board of Directors. He has requested some quotes for this coverage and will report when the offers are in.

2. Obtain a Post Office Box and send out change of address notices to the State of Florida and all vendors. He will take care of this.

3. Appoint a knowledgeable person to take care of Homeowner Association Documents (to be handled later).

4. Select a bank for Homeowner Association funds. It is suggested that the current bank account be closed and a new one opened. Cliff and Connie signed the signature card for the existing account, and Connie will close the account and open a new one. All directors will sign the signature card for the new account and two signatures will be required on all checks.

5. Appoint an attorney to represent the Homeowners Association. Cliff has already consulted with Edwin Boyer, Esq. who specializes in Homeowner Associations. He has offered to meet at no charge with the new board. Cliff will notify all board members as to when that meeting will take place and board members will make a decision as to whether or not to appoint him after that meeting.

6. Establish regular meeting day and time. It was decided to meet regularly on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the home of Cliff Cross, 1021 Meadow Breeze Lane.

7. It will be in order to pass a resolution to enforce the rules and regulations as written. This will be done at the next meeting. It is suggested that a list be made of all known violations of the rules and regulations be made and that a letter to all homeowners be sent stating that the new board intends to enforce the rules and has made not of the following violations. In order to avoid embarrassment, homeowners are encouraged to voluntarily bring their property into compliance if any of the items pertain to them. Steve will work with Cliff in assembling the list and Connie will write the letter.

8. It will be necessary to collect all delinquent dues, and to issue invoices for dues for the 3rd quarter of 2001. Connie will take care of this.

9. Committees need to be formed, and this will be dealt with at the next meeting.

10. The budget needs reviewing, and this will also be dealt with at the next meeting.

11. A petty cash fund or procedure must be established.

12. A record of the receipt of all documents must be made.

13. A record of anything still needed must be made.

14. A title to the common elements must be obtained.

15. The tax rolls must be inspected to be sure they are clear and free of any delinquency.

16. A transfer document of the developer's rights must be obtained.

17. Only informal oral contracts may be entered into at this time, but quotes will be obtained for current contracts, i.e., mowing.

18. A confirmation must be obtained of the good standing of the corporation by the Department of Corporations for the State of Florida.

19. A policy must be established that all meetings will follow Robert's Rules of Order and that minutes will be taken at every meeting.

20. A record inspection policy must be adopted.

Respectfully submitted,

Constance C. Meadows, 6/9/01